
America's Rain Forests

A Distance Learning Adventure

Prince William Network, National Forest Foundation and USDA Forest Service

Research and Development

The USDA Forest Services is the largest forestry research organization in the world and the national and international leader in forest conservation. As part of the Forest Service, the largest agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), our research contributes to the advancement of science and the conservation of many of our Nation's most valuable natural resources. Forest Service Research and Development (R&D) scientists carry out basic and applied research to study biological, physical, and social sciences related to very diverse forests and rangelands. Public lands that make up the National Forest system comprise 1/20 of the entire land base in the United States. Our research promotes ecologically sound management of these vast natural resources. We also serve the Nation's private forest landowners, and we investigate new ways to process and recycle wood into products.

Our scientists work throughout the United States, from Florida to Alaska and from Maine to Hawaii. They perform research on university campuses, as well as in our own laboratories. Much of their research is outdoors, in forests and watersheds, on mountain tops and in grasslands.


Prince William Network • USDA Forest Service • Caribbean, Tongass,
Chugach, and Olympic National Forests • Pacific Northwest Research Station
International Institute of Tropical Forestry • National Forest Foundation
Alaska Department of Fish and Game • Alaska Department of Natural Resources
The Nature Conservancy • Alaska Natural History Association
Southeast Island School District