
America's Rain Forests

A Distance Learning Adventure

Prince William Network, National Forest Foundation and USDA Forest Service

International Institute of Tropical Forestry

The International Institute of Tropical Forestry (IITF) is part of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service. The IITF is located in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico on the grounds of the University of Puerto Rico, Agricultural Experimental Station. The Institute is dedicated to tropical forestry on an international level. Within the Forest Service's mission of caring for the land and serving people, the IITF's mission is to:

Develop and exchange knowledge critical to sustaining tropical ecosystem benefits for human kind.

For more information about IITF, go to http://www.fs.usda.gov/main/iitf/home.


Prince William Network • USDA Forest Service • Caribbean, Tongass,
Chugach, and Olympic National Forests • Pacific Northwest Research Station
International Institute of Tropical Forestry • National Forest Foundation
Alaska Department of Fish and Game • Alaska Department of Natural Resources
The Nature Conservancy • Alaska Natural History Association
Southeast Island School District