
America's Rain Forests

A Distance Learning Adventure

Prince William Network, National Forest Foundation and USDA Forest Service

Forest Service Centennial

The USDA Forest Service is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2005. The Forest Service was created 100 years ago as an agency with a unique mission: to sustain healthy, diverse, and productive forests and grasslands for present and future generations. The creation of the Forest Service initiated a century of change in managing public forests and grasslands, with introduction of a new conservation ethic and professional workforce to carry it forth. The USDA Forest Service asks that you join in reflecting on the organization's proud history and traditions and explore ways to move into a new century of "caring for the land and serving people."

The commemoration has included a combination of nationally promoted "signature events" and locally sponsored opportunities. All planned activities are intended to recognize Forest Service past accomplishments and validate the importance of the agency's current relationship with partners and collaborators. The New Century of Service has coordinated centennial events to encourage a dialogue about the challenges presented to the Forest Service in the next century. These challenges include: rapid natural and social changes, changing public desires, and new technologies.


Prince William Network • USDA Forest Service • Caribbean, Tongass,
Chugach, and Olympic National Forests • Pacific Northwest Research Station
International Institute of Tropical Forestry • National Forest Foundation
Alaska Department of Fish and Game • Alaska Department of Natural Resources
The Nature Conservancy • Alaska Natural History Association
Southeast Island School District